Singularity Flat Pack

SDW Finish Type If you are going to stain or natural finish the BB kit, please select stain. If you are going to paint or veneer, select standard. The stain version will have no patches on the exterior panels. The extra cost is because we have to waste a lot of ply to ensure clear panels.
Standard will have patches
Stain/Finish Grade Clear Panels (+ USD $30.00)
Price: USD $269.95
  • Description

Speaker Design Works Singularity   

Recommended driver Dayton Audio PS 220-8
43"h x 10.5"w x 16" deep

A full range MTL Design. From the designer: 

Wayne W: Mids- pure paper baby, pure paper. If you like pure unadulterated Jim Croce, Heart, or
Jefferson Airplane, reproduced the way they recorded, these will do the trick. I also suspect that Jazz,
Blues and Opera will be a big hit. Mids are very coherant. A touch forward, which is to be expected, and full
in a way that isn't annoying.

Highs - Who would have thought that a whizzer cone....I reapeat, a whizzer cone could sound that good. It
has plenty of heat for those that like more sizzle.

Bass - Let's be honest, it isn't going to give you tachycardia, and you aren't going to be knocked out of
your chair, but the bass is all there in the 3.17Cuft MLTL cabinet, even when 2' out from the wall. Anyone
that has listened to Josh Groben's version of Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring can rest assured that it gets all
the way down, and interestingly enough, it resolves Sarah MacLaughlins voice excellently alongside the
violin (which hasn't been the case in some speakers costing 5 times as much that I have heard).

Sound stage is excellent. Horizontally, they have a small window of forgiveness, but it's there so you don't
need to have your head in a vice completely. Vertically, the highs go bye-bye pretty quick. With a single
point source, they have a special magic all their own.

Pro's - Simple, elegant and listenable. Easily driven with low power amps. Excellent Dynamics! More detail
than you would expect from a paper cone.

Con's - Will not go very loud without falling apart. They get plenty loud enough for me, but if you want
something that plays loud, this isn't for you. Bass isn't as solid as I like it, but it is there, and it goes deep. A
sub may be needed for the smooth jazz crowd, or the electronica minded.

Best Part? - Tweeking is simple. With just two components - an inductor and a resistor, a guy can dip his
feet into the design pool without getting in over his head. The price of admission is light as well. I liked
them with 2.7mH of inductance and 13 ohms of resistance, but you can let your tastes and room decide
what works best for you, without doing a total re-design, or getting impedance issues. Wayne W: Mids- pure paper baby, pure paper. If you like pure unadulterated Jim Croce, Heart, or
Jefferson Airplane, reproduced the way they recorded, these will do the trick. I also suspect that Jazz,
Blues and Opera will be a big hit. Mids are very coherant. A touch forward, which is to be expected, and full
in a way that isn't annoying.

Highs - Who would have thought that a whizzer cone....I reapeat, a whizzer cone could sound that good. It
has plenty of heat for those that like more sizzle.

Bass - Let's be honest, it isn't going to give you tachycardia, and you aren't going to be knocked out of
your chair, but the bass is all there in the 3.17Cuft MLTL cabinet, even when 2' out from the wall. Anyone
that has listened to Josh Groben's version of Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring can rest assured that it gets all
the way down, and interestingly enough, it resolves Sarah MacLaughlins voice excellently alongside the
violin (which hasn't been the case in some speakers costing 5 times as much that I have heard).

Sound stage is excellent. Horizontally, they have a small window of forgiveness, but it's there so you don't
need to have your head in a vice completely. Vertically, the highs go bye-bye pretty quick. With a single
point source, they have a special magic all their own.

Pro's - Simple, elegant and listenable. Easily driven with low power amps. Excellent Dynamics! More detail
than you would expect from a paper cone.

Con's - Will not go very loud without falling apart. They get plenty loud enough for me, but if you want
something that plays loud, this isn't for you. Bass isn't as solid as I like it, but it is there, and it goes deep. A
sub may be needed for the smooth jazz crowd, or the electronica minded.

Best Part? - Tweeking is simple. With just two components - an inductor and a resistor, a guy can dip his
feet into the design pool without getting in over his head. The price of admission is light as well. I liked
them with 2.7mH of inductance and 13 ohms of resistance, but you can let your tastes and room decide
what works best for you, without doing a total re-design, or getting impedance issues.

43"h x 10.5"w x 16"d

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Business is booming, and flat pack and shop built orders are once again stretching lead times.

Expect at a minimum of 4 weeks for any shop built order.  6-8 weeks for custom flatpacks.  We are not accepting custom built cabs at this time, only flatpacks.