The Omni Series are the easy to build high output models of Bill Fitzmaurice Designs
This cabinet can be built by just about anyone, but that doesn't mean there's any scrimping on the performance
Utilizing a 2 Eminence 10's, Alpha 6aCBMR, APT 80 or APT150 drivers,
the Omni 210 Fullrange is fully horn-loaded, and that means loud.
On average 3dB higher in sensitivity than commercial cabs, the Omni uses half the watts
to reach the same volume level
High frequency dispersion that no commercial PA top can match.
As a cab for electric bass the Omni has deeper lows than the average 2x10
Keyboard players can finally hear their instruments with as much fidelity on stage as
they are used to hearing in the studio.
Omni 210 Series PA/Bass Cabinet Kits
Power handling: Dependent on driver choice
Dimensions: 26.5in x 30in x 17in Standard
Dimensions: 20in x 39in x 17in Tallboy
Weight: Approx 70lbs
Complete details and plans are available from 
Kit Contents
Omni 210 Full Range Horn Deluxe Kit Includes:
All the Eminence speakers required
All the crossover components, parts or prebuilt by SpeakerHardware technicians
Every nut, bolt, screw and washer to complete your cab. All hardware and screws are black
Choose from 4 styles of Corners, Chevron, or 1824 Metal in black and chrome
Gasket Tape
1 tube PL Constuction Adhesive
Dish with gasket, includes jacks with screws/bolts and wire connectors, choose your style
Response Graphs
Omni 2x10 Bass Cab Response
Omni 2x10 PA cab Response