The DR DIY Horn Speakers are the flagship models
of Bill Fitzmaurice Designs
All the DR series cabs provide output far exceeding most expectations.
The DR280 is designed for main PA use for larger venues;
The cabinet profile is trapezoidal, allowing vertical splaying of multiple cabinets in a line-array PA configuration with 8degree splay.
You may build it with a sealed or vented driver chamber, frequency tuned.
Melded array Piezo tweeters are a unique 120 deg wide dispersion hf solution for the DR280
DR250 Piezo Array DIY PA Speaker Cabinet
Sensitivity with DeltaLite 2512: 104db
Dispersion with Piezo melded arrays: 120 degrees
Dispersion with Diffraction Comp Horn: 100 Degrees
Power handling: Driver and cab port dependent. See options in drop down box for driver selection
Response: Long Port 60-20k, trade off lower power handling
Small Port and Sealed: 80-20k
Dimensions: 24.5in x 24in x 23in
Weight: Approx 70-80lbs, dependent on driver and hardware.
Complete details and plans are available from 
Kit Contents
DIY DR280 Piezo Horn Deluxe Kit Includes:
Proprietary parts designed by Bill Fitzmaurice, built by SpeakerHardware, including foam phase plugs and 4" reflectors.
Choose your corner style Penn Small Chevron, Penn 1824 metal in black or chrome
Every nut, bolt, screw and washer to complete your cab. All hardware and screws are black
Gasket Tape
1 tube PL Construction Adhesive
Dish with gasket, includes jacks with screws/bolts and wire connectors, choose your style
Speaker of your choice from the selection box.
Handles of your choice from the selection box.
Goldwood GT1016 Piezo tweeters
All crossover parts to spec, parts or prebuilt by SpeakerHardware.
All parts are tested and confirmed by the SpeakerHardware shop to fit a DR280.
Response Graphs