Just go home

Some days it just doesn’t pay to try.

I have a David flat pack that needs to be finished. They’re a complex cutout, use damn near every tool in the shop. I’d done all of it but the sides and baffle front, yesterday. I know better than to do complex cuts when it’s late in the day, so I left them for this morning.

Get to the shop, the laptop won’t boot. It says no HDD. It’s an SSR drive, so I assume it’s dead. Run back across town to print out the David plans. Not having the sketchup available is trickier, but I was doing Bill Fitzmaurice cabs long before sketchup came around. His sometimes mind twisters take a bit of interpolation, they used to take a lot before the plans became so excellent.

I get the sides laid out, and start the rough cuts with my jig saw. 1/2 way through the last cut, I break a blade. No big deal, except that I discover I’m out of blades. I need the saw for the rough cuts on the baffle also. I finish the side cut with a handsaw, figuring I’ll get a jigsaw blade when the hardware store opens this afternoon. Except it’s Father’s day, and they’re closed. The odds of Wally World having a bosch jig saw blade are pretty slim.

Okay, I figure I can make the access panel cutouts. I use a 1/8 upspiral in a Bosch Colt router, which allows me to make the cutout and the panel in one operation. I get it out, and it’s broken. In the protective case. Sitting on the shelf. I know it wasn’t the last time I used it. The alternative method requires the jigsaw.

So I think I’ll do some speaker testing on the new MVW 2 speakers. Wait, the laptop is broken.

One of those days. What really sucks is it’s only about 75 degrees today. Working in the shop with all the doors open is a pleasure. A no wind, cool day perfect for testing speakers too. Netflix and chill I believe is the order of the day. It’s Father’s day, that’s what I’m supposed to be doing anyway.

Here’s bunch more train graffiti pics for your edification.

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Shipping & Inventory Update

Business is booming, and flat pack and shop built orders are once again stretching lead times.

Expect at a minimum of 4 weeks for any shop built order.  6-8 weeks for custom flatpacks.  We are not accepting custom built cabs at this time, only flatpacks.